WARNING: This page discusses our server's language policy, which involves sensitive topics. Please proceed with caution.
Our server is committed to fostering a respectful and inclusive environment. Therefore, we have implemented a strict chat filter to prevent the use of language that discriminates, offends, or harasses others. This includes:
- Hate Speech: Any language that promotes discrimination or prejudice based on race, ethnicity, nationality, religion, or any other personal characteristic.
- Sexual Content: Explicit sexual language or references to sexual acts, including slurs or derogatory terms related to gender or sexuality.
- Violent Language: Words or phrases that promote or describe violence, including terms associated with sexual assault or physical harm.
- Derogatory Terms: Insults or demeaning language aimed at individuals or groups, particularly concerning mental or physical disabilities.
- Immediate Action: Using words or phrases that fall into these categories can result in your message being blocked or, in severe cases, an automatic mute or ban.
- No Bypassing: Attempts to circumvent the filter by using similar words, misspellings, or symbols in place of letters will also be detected and blocked.
While we avoid listing specific words here to prevent exposure to offensive content, here are some examples of the types of language that are not allowed:
- Racial slurs or ethnic derogatory terms.
- Homophobic, transphobic, or other gender/sexuality-related slurs.
- Explicit or vulgar sexual references.
- Terms that demean or mock people with disabilities.
- Language that glorifies or trivializes violence or assault.
- Chill Out: Getting filtered or accidentally using a word is not a reason to get annoyed or upset in chat. We encourage everyone to handle these situations with maturity and understanding.
- Report: If you see offensive language, inform a moderator.